June 2020

Black Lives Matter: A Solemn Moment for Self-reflection

All people can be prosperous only when the most vulnerable among us are made safe and made whole. We are grateful for this solemn and sacred moment for the opportunity to be learning through awkwardness and discomfort to become a better people, to learn to meet each person with mindfulness and spaciousness, without bias and assumptions. We are grateful for this opportunity to cultivate the spiritual discipline of non-violence in this way.

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A Daily Digestive Cleanser

Any food that does not get digested, waste product left behind from previous days, and toxin processed and packaged by the liver are left over in the digestive tract. In Ayurveda, this waste and debris is called Ama. If this Ama is not proper disposed, it leads to progressive damage to the digestive system and causes disease

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A Day in Life with Ayurveda

The two actions of stimulation and nourishment are like levers to affect our physiology to guide it towards balance and health. Balance in our physiology engenders an internal feeling of peace, strength, vitality and bliss. As we press and pull these levers through various means of our daily routines, we can build a foundation of optimal health, well-being, and longevity.

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