Getting Started

What you might expect in your first visit?

Visits are geared to address the client’s desire and intention for healing. Each visit consists of addressing primary health concerns, physical pains or symptoms that are most bothersome, as well as how to optimize wellbeing and expand one’s consciousness.

For this primary purpose, our first visit starts with a conversation to begin to get to know the client. This helps evaluate each symptom and condition by taking history of present illness; progression of the disease from first signs of imbalance to present moment.

Interview may investigate developmental history from a physical and emotional perspective. For this, we may discuss about childhood, adolescent years, young adulthood, etc. as needed to further understand the you as a person.

Then, we move into physical exam of relevant organ systems. Additional constitutional and energetic evaluation is done through specialized Ayurvedic pulse and tongue diagnostic techniques.

As needed, Dr. Anup may also request biochemical lab, food allergy panels, blood work, when necessary for better understanding of the present condition.

At the end of this visit, you will be given a review of your current condition in physiological and Ayurvedic term; as well as presented a preliminary protocol of herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle intervention.

Continuing Care

Follow-up visits can build on this protocol to help you cultivate more lasting change to support your health. These consist of understanding your current lifestyle, time-related and financial constraints, as well as personal values. These become the guard-rails for develop your Ayurvedic program for healing and transformation.

Additionally, if there are mental, emotional, and spiritual concerns related to present illness, we begin addressing these on follow-up visits. Dr. Anup provides support through emotional counseling, breathing practices, meditation techniques, and mantras best suited for the client’s desired outcome. Here, the guiding doctrine in to help become self-sufficient and empowered to face challenges, let go what no longer serves, and cultivate self-efficacy.

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