Ayurvedic Principles #5: Daily Routines

Podcast on Daily Routines by Dr. Anup

Routines Regulate the Body:

Maintaining consistent routines is an essential part of living a healthy and balanced life. According to Ayurveda, routines are important for regulating the body and stimulating it to function optimally. This includes having a consistent sleeping and waking cycle, as well as eating meals at the same time each day. Having a consistent routine helps the body to prepare for the activities of the day, as well as to detoxify and rejuvenate itself.

A good night’s sleep is a critical part of maintaining a healthy routine. During the first half of the night, the body and mind process the information and nutrition that have been taken in throughout the day. This helps to settle the mind and body from the activities of the day and provide nourishment to the tissues. During the second half of the night, the body focuses on detoxification and elimination of toxins.

Exercise for balanced hormones:

One of the most important routines is exercise. Exercise helps to stimulate the hormones in the body, which helps to regulate the metabolic cycle. Depending on the individual’s constitution, the time of exercise can vary. For example, individuals with a kapha constitution can benefit from exercising in the morning, as it helps to stimulate the adrenal and thyroid glands, which can help to lighten the kapha dosha. When we wake up, our adrenals surge in activity and this activates the thyroid gland and the body’s metabolic cycle. This surge of activity causes us to feel wakeful, refreshed, light and clear.

On the other hand, individuals with a vata or pitta constitution can benefit from exercising in the late afternoon or evening. This helps to calm down the body from the day’s stimulation, as these individuals are usually very mentally and physically active. Exercising in the evening helps to create an endorphin response, which has a calming effect on the adrenal system and the brain. This helps to wind down the body from the day’s stimulation. Exercise also helps to stimulate the hormones in the body, such as progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA. These hormones help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and have restorative and anti-aging effect on the body’s tissues.

Lastly, exercise can be quite meditative, as it helps to focus the mind and make the sympathetic nervous system calm. Therefore, exercise is an important routine for living a healthy and balanced life. It helps to stimulate the hormones in the body, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and provide the necessary nourishment and energy for activities throughout the day.

Meditation  routines:

Meditation is an important part of establishing daily routines. It helps to calm the mind and body, and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help to improve focus and concentration, and can help to increase mental clarity and awareness. Ayurveda recommends the “Creator’s Hour”, which is the hour before and during sunrise, as the best time for meditation. During this time, the autonomic nervous system is calm, while the adrenal activity is on the rise. This decoupling of the adrenal system from the sympathetic nervous system helps to keep us calm throughout the day.

Evening or night is another good time to meditate, as this can help us to drop the angst of the previous day and anticipation of the coming day. It is a good way to mind towards peace and rest, while quieting the sympathetic and adrenal system.

Eating Habits:

Establishing eating habits is also an important part of healthy daily routines. Eating at regular times, such as 60 minute window for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, helps the body to anticipate meal times. Thus, it becomes more efficient producing digestive acids and enzymes in anticipation of food. Results is greater efficiency of digestion and providing nutrition to the body.

Improper digestion of food or eating next meal before the last meal is fully digested results in production of ama. “Ama” is the putrefied by-product of mal-digestion that can be neither used as nourishment, nor eliminated easily. Per Ayurveda, this is a major cause of degeneration on tissue level and disease formation.

In conclusion, meditation, exercise, and eating habits are all important parts of establishing daily routines and can help to improve overall health and wellbeing. Establishing a daily routine can help to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and provide the necessary nourishment and energy for activities throughout the day.

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