Dr. Anup's Articles

Why Gratitude Deserves a Special Day

Gratitude moves our mind’s attention towards the positive and beneficial things in our lives… Things that support us, keep us going and growing, giving us strength, courage, access to resources, and more. Expression of gratitude can be used as a mindfulness practice to entrain our mind to turn towards what is working.

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Fasting by Your Dosha Type

During the initial hours after eating, energy is primarily being made from the carbohydrate and protein sources in our diet. As these sources run low, the body switches to ketogenic (fat-based) energy production. Thus, intermittent fasting helps to with improving fatty metabolism for energy production.

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Ayurvedic Fall Rejuvenation

Through the summer there is an increase in qualities of heat, dryness, lightness, movement, change, expansion etc. in our body system. These qualities tend to cause an aggravation of the Pitta (fire+water) and Vata (air+space) towards the end of summer. Often by the end of summer, we are a bit more exhausted, ready to slow down, and wanting a restorative routine and rhythm to return our life.

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Lodhra: For PCOS and More

The hallmark symptoms PCOS show very definitive indication of Kapha and Pitta aggravations. Actions of Lodhra provide both functional and symptomatic relief in this condition. Combining Lodhra with other ayurvedic herbs, provides powerful tool for individualizing treatment of such Kapha-pitta aggravations.

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Black Lives Matter: A Solemn Moment for Self-reflection

All people can be prosperous only when the most vulnerable among us are made safe and made whole. We are grateful for this solemn and sacred moment for the opportunity to be learning through awkwardness and discomfort to become a better people, to learn to meet each person with mindfulness and spaciousness, without bias and assumptions. We are grateful for this opportunity to cultivate the spiritual discipline of non-violence in this way.

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A Daily Digestive Cleanser

Any food that does not get digested, waste product left behind from previous days, and toxin processed and packaged by the liver are left over in the digestive tract. In Ayurveda, this waste and debris is called Ama. If this Ama is not proper disposed, it leads to progressive damage to the digestive system and causes disease

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A Day in Life with Ayurveda

The two actions of stimulation and nourishment are like levers to affect our physiology to guide it towards balance and health. Balance in our physiology engenders an internal feeling of peace, strength, vitality and bliss. As we press and pull these levers through various means of our daily routines, we can build a foundation of optimal health, well-being, and longevity.

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For The Love of Fat: An Ayurvedic Love-Story

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia outlines hundreds of formulations that are based in form of herbal ghee, herbal oils and animal fats. Like love, oil is capable of transcending boundaries, it brings things together, heals wounds, it is nourishing, soothing and comforting, helps resolving conflict, bringing peace, etc. Oils penetrate every tissue of the body, therefore support in strengthening and anti-aging effects on every tissue on the body.

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