Dr. Anup's Articles

Diabetes, Part 1: Understanding the Disease

By: Dr. Anup Mulakaluri, ND, AWC Diabetes is recognized by the CDC as one of the most prevalent disease in the USA. About 29.1 million have diagnosed diabetes, but more than 80 million, about a third of Americans, have pre-diabetes.(1) Pre-diabetes is a condition where individuals have borderline elevated blood sugar, an indication of a

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Unique Solutions to Common Problems: Depression and Diabetes

Last week I looked at a study that found Depression can raise the risk of diabetes by 60%… (1) The link between depression and diabetes is often the behavioral change that accompanies depression. Depression often involves lack of motivation to undertake healthy behaviors, like exercising, socializing, preparing food, doing chores, and taking steps towards our

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The Resurgent Art of Home-remedies…

Growing up in India, one of the cherished features of my life was the art of making home-remedies. These remedies often served as first-aid for many common illnesses and often prevented doctor visits. This art has been forgotten with modernization of the common household. As people became distracted by the high-language of science and “in-fallibility”

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Tolle Causum – Identify and Treat the Cause

Naturopathic physicians practice the six fundamental principles of naturopathic medicine: Vis Medicatrix Naturae – The Healing Power of NatureTolle Causum – Identify and Treat the CausesNocere – First Do No HarmDocere – Doctor as TeacherTolle Totum – Treat the Whole PersonPreventare – Prevention When a seed is sewn in the earth, it first grows its

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Vis Medicatrix Naturae: Healing Power of Nature

Naturopathic Principles Naturopathic physicians practice the six fundamental principles of naturopathic medicine: Vis Medicatrix Naturae – The Healing Power of NatureTolle Causum – Identify and Treat the CausesNocere – First Do No HarmDocere – Doctor as TeacherTolle Totum – Treat the Whole PersonPreventare – Prevention Natural medicine from across the world may only agree on

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A Culture of Well-being: An Introduction

Hello everybody and welcome to the Natural Rhythms Podcast, “A Culture of Wellbeing”. This is an introduction: Natural Rhythms Integrative Medicine (NRIM) is a holistic health-care clinic offering of natural alternatives for management and prevention of chronic diseases. NRIM is dedicated to offering combination of evidence-based natural medicine and time-tested ancient wisdom on spiritual practice.

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