
The Legend of Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash is a traditional anti-aging, rejuvenating, antioxidant, Ayurvedic Superfood created by the combination of 40+ herbal ingredients that are prepared into an Herbal Jam. This supplement has its roots in original Ayurvedic texts like Charaka Samhita, thus having over 1000 year recorded history of successful use and health benefits. The origins of this formula have

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Healing Power of Nature

Vis Medicatrix Naturae: The Healing Power of Nature, Body edition.

  Healing Power of Nature is a central tenet of Naturopathic Medicine. It calls on the practitioner to respect the natural intelligence that helps the body maintain balanced function, heal and renew unhealthy tissues, and restore health. The discussion of this principle is centered around the VIS, a vital force that guides and regulates the

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Principles #3: Doshas around us

The doshas in the body represent sum of various physiological activities and physical structures. Physical doshas contribute to the overall functions of the body and brain. The doshas of the body execute and make possible every single expression of life. Therefore, when they are disturbed, imbalanced, or unregulated, they result in experience of discomfort and

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Principles #2: Ayurvedic Doshas

Click on audio file blow to access the podcast of this article:   The elements that make up the universe are the same that combine to form the 3 Ayurvedic doshas that govern the structure and function of the body… Air and Space combines to make Vata Fire and Water combine to make Pitta Water

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Panchakarma: Individualized Transformation

Detoxification and Rejuvenation. Ayurveda, the science of life, is an Indian traditional medicine. It follows the core principle natural medicine: “when balance is restored, health and wellbeing is inherent.” For this, Ayurveda offers vast spectrum of dietary, lifestyle, herbal and body therapies. Among these, Panchakarma is the foremost detoxification protocol offered by Ayurvedic Medicine. As

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Fasting by Your Dosha Type

During the initial hours after eating, energy is primarily being made from the carbohydrate and protein sources in our diet. As these sources run low, the body switches to ketogenic (fat-based) energy production. Thus, intermittent fasting helps to with improving fatty metabolism for energy production.

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